How To Program Your Thermostat for Fall and Winter Savings

How To Program Your Thermostat for Fall and Winter Savings

The U.S. Department of Energy suggests 68 degrees or lower for thermostat setting in the winter. But, did you know that there is a more significant potential for more savings if you take a few additional adjustments?

JR Michalski Heating & Air Conditioning has compiled these excellent tips on programming your thermostat to save more in the fall and winter. Keep reading!

Check the Fan Setting

Is your thermostat’s fan set to “ON”? If it is, then change it to “AUTO.” The auto setting means your HVAC fan will only run when it needs to, instead of having it operating at all times. You’ll be surprised with up to $100 or more savings you can get per year.

Change Your Filters

Don’t leave your HVAC filters dirty. If it’s not clean, then it will slow down the airflow and make your HVAC work harder, wasting more energy. Checking your filters monthly and replacing them will only use a little of your time to reap the benefits of a well-maintained system. You can also mark your calendar so that filter inspections will be a part of your home maintenance routine.

Close Your Doors and Windows

Did you check your windows and doors of your house? They should all be closed and locked when your HVAC system is running to keep the heated air in. Also, it’s wise to check them for gaps and cracks and seal them for efficient and effective heating.

Open Your Vents

Keep your family comfortable in your home by letting all heated air into the rooms in your house. If furniture, like the beds or your couches, are hindering the vents, it will be in your best interest to rearrange it. Keep all your vents unobstructed so that the air will flow freely into your indoor spaces.

Adjust The Temperature Wisely

It’s best to keep in mind that even if you set your temperature too high, it will not heat your home any faster. It will just make your heater work harder to meet your thermostat’s setting. You can consider installing programmable and smart thermostats to regulate the temperature properly. These devices are also beneficial if you’re looking to save energy.

Are you still looking for expert tips to save more in the fall and winter? Don’t hesitate to call us at JR Michalski Heating & Air Conditioning. We have professionals who can give you expert tips that will surely benefit from.  

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